Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Education comes before partying

I am writing in response to the photo story "Super fans" (SN 11/7).

Fortunately, this photo spread highlights an issue that I had been pondering how to bring to the attention of the institution, student body and alumni.

The pride that so many students and alumni attach to MSU being a party school only further denigrates the academic credibility of our school.

Through personal experience, reports of those who work with students on campus and even articles in The State News, it is quite clear that a large percentage of students feel that partying is some sort of rite of passage for college attendees.

For such students, the academic and educational experiences come in a distant second to having fun.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with having responsible fun, but I am of the mind that higher education is for just that - education as the top priority.

With the resources available at this school, MSU truly could be a leader among academic institutions.

But with the administration doing nothing to combat the party-school image, when our football games are sponsored by Labatt Blue beer and when we praise Spartans drenching themselves in beer as "super fans," it is no wonder MSU attracts this type of behavior and is not considered among the academic elite.

Indeed, as we all hold our breath when a major sporting event comes along and praise students for not rioting, we must ask ourselves how far we have fallen.

Marc Levitt
2000 graduate


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