Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Conservatives don't argue well

This is in response to Tom Amon's letter "SN Opinion Page has liberal biases" — as well as several other letters that say, essentially, the same thing.

The point of that letter, as with the others, is that The State News has a "liberal bias." Just what that means, no one knows, because the "conservative" letter writers never explain — they simply make the allegation.

Instead of uttering vacuous accusations, conservatives should try to articulate a point of view or develop an argument. This might be difficult, however, because the fact is that conservatives today have no message.

Their "vision" is bankrupt, empty and without point. This seems to be why they write dozens of letters to newspapers complaining about "liberals," rather than attempting to engage in constructive debate.

J. Eric Lambert
philosophy graduate student


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