Monday, September 23, 2024

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Columnist showed courage to rebel

I would like to applaud Shawn Wozniak for his column "Life's a bunch of questions; here's some to ponder for a bit" (SN 11/14). It was very thought-provoking, disturbing and touching.

We, at the bottom of our heart, know the answers to most of the questions, but we either are afraid to be ridiculed or just give in to the convenience of things. It's the laziness and the tendency to ignore as long as things are not directly and immediately affecting us.

How difficult is it, after eating in a restaurant, to use restrooms to wash the hands, rinse the mouth and then clean with a handkerchief? As an added benefit, it'll reduce the dentist visits, too.

But no. Better just to grab a bunch of paper napkins, use one and throw away the rest. So easy. After all, what's a few papers?

We all are educated. We can do the math. And we know the answer but prefer the convenience rather than the weird looks from your friends. The list is endless.

I know people will argue and I also know that those are mere excuses. It takes courage to go against the flow and take a stand, but it's not too difficult. I wish Wozniak's column inspires at least someone to think hard and put the answers to his questions into practice.

Girish Dangi
2000 graduate


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