Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Bashing people isn't good debate

This could be in response to Jill Schwab's ridiculous indictment of The State News ("Pacemaker Award given to liberals" SN 11/12), but in all reality, it is more in response to the general tone of the editorial page of late. It seems to me that instead of offering up thought-out alternative opinions, contributors have taken the easy way out and have begun merely to bash on others' core beliefs.

How many times do we have to suffer through another windbag soliloquy whose main premise, in the end, is "Liberals suck" or "Conservatives are morons"? Come on, people, we've got to have something better to say than that. Simply debunking someone's political leanings is a base, bottom-of-the-barrel political shot, and it detracts greatly from the value and purpose of free speech.

Besides, the authors of these opinions come off as insufferable blowhards with nothing of value to say.

Critique all you like, it's what keeps our country's philosophies alive, but at least think of something to say before your pen hits the page.

Carl Armstrong
Spanish sophomore


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