Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Time management cuts college stress

I am going to try to give The State News a bit of advice regarding the column "Life of a college student can lead to one gigantic headache". The doctor was right, you just need to relax. And yes, that is easy for him to say.

One of the things that contributes to stress headaches is the lifestyle that college students lead. For most of you, it is not the gold standard of health. Keeping strange hours and ingesting what is loosely defined as food is not good for any part of your body, including your head.

So try this - a bit of time management. I am sure that any student can spare one hour per day at least four days per week.

Take this time and go do something active, whether it is exercise, walk or whatever, just get away from stressful situations. This will get your mind off of things and allow you to get a bit of rest. That should start you on the right track.

Remember, things in life get more stressful, not less. You need to learn to budget your time and energy now. If you cannot handle some classes and a few parties, what is going to happen with a career and a family? Then you will know headaches.

Timothy Laco
2000 graduate


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