Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Time lapse

Waiting to announce opinion on T-shirts shows ASMSU is slow to represent students.

It's good to see ASMSU taking a stance on the controversial T-shirts circulating campus prior to the MSU-University of Michigan football game - too bad it comes a few weeks late.

A bill was sent to both assemblies of MSU's undergraduate student government to finally make a statement against the fliers and T-shirts bearing an explicit drawing and the phrase "Wolverines Pack Fudge."

But it isn't until next week when ASMSU might officially denounce the circulation of the explicit anti-U-M T-shirts and fliers.

The bill will be voted on by the Student Assembly on Thursday and the Academic Assembly next Tuesday.

The Residence Hall Association and the Alliance of Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender Students issued statements to the university immediately following the creation and sale of these T-shirts.

T-shirt creators Carmen Peter and Charlie Peck already have apologized.

The real issue here is not whether the T-shirts are right or wrong but whether ASMSU is efficiently representing the students.

While making a statement does not create a new law, it does show a group is actively representing its constituents.

It is ASMSU's responsibility to represent the undergraduate student body and make a statement supporting or denouncing the design.

When ASMSU is slow to react, it gives the impression that it does not care and that the issue is not a priority.

It is very frustrating when ASMSU does not fulfill its job quickly and students are underrepresented.

Every college has ASMSU representatives in both Student Assembly and Academic Assembly.

Students should contact their representatives immediately with their opinions so ASMSU can be motivated to do its job.


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