Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Statue does bother some Americans

In response to Eva Bohler's letter "Columnist wrong in religious debate" (SN 10/6), I must point out, hopefully for the last time, that students are certainly allowed to pray in school.

However, teachers and administrators cannot lead students in prayer, because that would be making people pray against their will.

Secondly, the statement "First of all, if (John) Bice is an atheist, why should he be offended by a Ten Commandments statue when atheists deny the existence of God? His right to practice any religion he desires is not being violated, because atheists do not practice any organized religion," is just like saying that anarchists have no right to participate in democracy because they have no political views.

Gosh, I mean, why should I care if my tax dollars are spent promoting such useful platitudes as "Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's wife?"

According to Bohler, it's not like I have my own moral system, or apparently, the belief that women are capable of coveting.

Sarah Conklin
2003 graduate


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