Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Statistical proof

Window of opportunity was missed; data on E.L. party noise ensures ordinance will stick

The results are in. The statistics are astounding. The noise ordinance and its strict regulations are here to stay.

In 2002, without the policy, 111 citations were given between Sept. 5 and Oct. 3. Now, in 2003, with the new rules, only 87 citations were handed out during the same time span.

These new statistics just help show the city and its residents that the policy is working by significantly decreasing noise-related problems. So why would the city council change the ordinance now?

It all goes back to a couple of weeks ago when ASMSU and the city council held an open forum discussing the noise situation in East Lansing. Student attendance was less than mediocre and that fact is coming back to haunt us. We as students didn't come together and fight for our freedom, so it serves us right.

Now that the statistics on party noise are in, students who are still trying to petition will have even more of an uphill battle. How can you argue that a policy is ridiculous when the facts are staring you right in the face? The numbers show it - the policy works.

But the noise policy with less parties and more hostile students equals more pent-up frustration. The policy backfires when no students want to have parties, but the few that are brave now have more people attending, which in turn places them under the "nuisance party" category.

The true test of the ordinance will be the next home football game against our favorite rivals from Ann Arbor. Whether or not the Spartans bring in a win, students will have to decide if they will make responsible choices or take the three days in jail and a nice $1,000 fine.

Although the citations have decreased, at what cost has it affected our community? Student and police relations are more strained then they were before. The city itself might be quieter, but what will the repercussions be in the future?

It's time to face the facts and, in this case, the numbers. The statistics represent truth. The noise ordinance for East Lansing is here to stay.


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