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No matter the political party U.S. House should honor McPherson for efforts in Iraq

MSU fans everywhere should be proud that a certain Spartan might officially be recognized throughout the United States for his contributions in Iraq.

MSU President M. Peter McPherson's role in rebuilding Iraq's economy might soon be honored by a U.S. House resolution.

Whether people agreed with the war or the handling of Iraq's economy, everyone should be able to recognize and respect McPherson's efforts.

Two Michigan congressmen introduced the resolution Monday in an effort to recognize McPherson's service overseas.

During his stay in Iraq, McPherson helped establish a new currency and opened banks across the country.

The resolution was backed by 12 other Michigan legislators and is expected to pass before the end of the year.

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, who is co-sponsoring the bill, said he does not expect Democrats to oppose the resolution even if they opposed the war.

"This does not go toward the root of the Bush policy," Rogers said. "Most people will agree that his work was a success, and we're going to say 'Thanks.'"

It might not be as flashy as Lansing Mayor Tony Benavides declaring "Lil' Romeo Day" in September, but it's a bit more notable.

McPherson's 130-day unpaid leave of absence was approved by those most closely affected by his presence. While some students said McPherson should have stayed home to deal with the university's budget problems, he was taking a risk that did benefit the university. By putting himself in the potential line of fire, he raised the bar of respect for all those associated with MSU.

Regardless of individual political beliefs, everyone should applaud McPherson for his efforts. Though it was a subject of controversy, the job had to be done.

And when it comes to getting the job done, there's no better person than a Spartan.


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