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Remember riots

Destructive behavior not needed; participants should tell others not to make same mistakes

In a transition from rebellion to responsibility, journalism senior Lindsey Prudhomme has set a positive example for MSU students. Despite her participation in the March 28-30 disturbances, the recounting of her journey over the past six months has been valuable to both the student body and the reputation of the university.

Prudhomme was one of 15 students arrested in the disturbances that caused $40,000 in damage to campus and East Lansing. She was charged with disorderly conduct, but the judge reduced the charge so that it would not be made public. Her reaction to a night spent in jail after the disturbance changed her life and could change that of others. Prudhomme spoke to nearly every Academic Orientation Program this summer to educate future students on how not to follow in her footsteps.

She said that talking with other students about her past both motivated her and helped other people.

Other students should take the challenge to spread the word about their involvement and experiences with the March disturbances, so that similar mistakes will not be made in the future.

East Lansing residents and city officials had not forgotten the destruction and embarrassment associated with the 1999 MSU riots. But despite the penalties succeeding the March 27-28, 1999 riots, the same riot mentality seemed to work itself back into the student body last spring after only four years since the riot that caused more than $250,000 in property damage.

The actions of MSU students and their friends who choose to create a war zone on campus embarrass the university and are unacceptable. It is important to remember these events and their consequences and pass them on to incoming students, so that future tarnishing of the Spartan name can be avoided.

Standing only six months away from the March disturbances, we look forward to another successful basketball season and expect more appropriate support from students this time around.


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