Sunday, September 22, 2024

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No pledge

State legislature hypocritical in expecting 'U' officials to keep tuition low with less funds

The state Legislature has lofty expectations for higher education. A demand for guaranteed low tuition rates without any reciprocation in state funding is unreasonable. State senators refused to approve the appointment of three Board of Control members from Saginaw Valley State University because they had not signed an "Affordable Tuition Pledge."

Saginaw Valley board members refused to sign the pledge on grounds that it would infringe on their right granted by the state constitution to control how it uses its funds as an independent university.

The decision of the Senate was fairly criticized by MSU officials as unnecessary and Gov. Jennifer Granholm called it unconstitutional - we agree. MSU's state funding was reduced by $220 million, or 7 percent, for this fiscal year. Granholm justified the cut with her belief that universities have fat to cut in their budgets.

Officials trimmed that fat by $31 million in university cutbacks - including layoffs and course moratoriums - as well as increasing tuition by 9.9 percent. The balancing act of university cuts and increasing tuition was needed to ensure the quality of education at MSU. But with the condition of state appropriations still unknown for the upcoming years, universities need to have flexibility in deciding their budgets. A pledge to keep tuition low at all times doesn't allow for this flexibility.

Education is the best investment a person can make and such an investment should be supported by state funding. If the Legislature is so comfortable with forcing universities to make guarantees, then it should be equally willing to promise a certain amount of state funding each year. This will never happen as the state needs to be able to cut from all areas to balance the budget. The same issue is applicable to universities such as MSU.

If the Legislature is so concerned with the state of higher education in Michigan, it should put more money where its mouth is.

Until then, no pledge should be signed by university officials.


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