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Mascot mishap

Insensitive actions should teach foundation a lesson; education needed for Sparty actors

It looks as if the symbol of Spartan spirit might need a time out for his recent bad behavior. Last Wednesday, members from the Council of Students with Disabilities were offended when Sparty, the MSU mascot, was seen stumbling through the Union with a white cane and a referee's jersey.

The intent apparently was to videotape footage of Sparty poking fun at a "blind referee" for a mascot competition.

But members of the Student Alumni Foundation should have thought twice before staging antics that would offend people who live with real disabilities.

The incident also was a case of bad timing. It fell on the heels of Accessibility Awareness Week, which educated students on what it's like to perform daily activities when living with a disability.

Members from the Council of Students with Disabilities were rightfully upset with Sparty's actions.

Council President Kim Borowicz wrote a letter to The State News the day after the incident saying the group was being "stereotyped, mocked and harassed by a symbol of this university."

While the intentions of Sparty and members of the Student Alumni Foundation might not have been malicious, their actions were insensitive. Sparty is a representative of the university at all times, not just game time. People need to be mindful that a joke to them might be hurtful to others.

Besides, there are plenty of other ways to poke a little fun at a referee - without being offensive.

Sparty is a symbol of the spirit of MSU, both on and off the playing field.

He has been known to visit sick children in the hospital and has other nonathletic engagements every week.

As the giant green ambassador of MSU, it is important that his actions reflect the image of the entire university.

Last week's incident is evidence that there still is a need for sensitivity awareness on this campus.

Sparty's behavior is an example of what can happen when people aren't mindful of the ramifications of seemingly innocent actions.

Many people don't realize that a slip of the tongue or a careless action, which might not be a big deal to them, could offend someone else.

It is important that tolerance, acceptance and respect continually are promoted.

Despite the apparent intentions of the foundation, members of the council asked them to issue an apology, to cut the offensive footage from the video and to let council members view the final product.

Members of the foundation agreed to those conditions and also have agreed to attend a sensitivity training session to learn about diversity.

While a sensitivity training session only can help the foundation members, hopefully they already have learned from their experience so they don't make such a mistake again.

Sparty and his friends should learn from their mistakes and get back on track with their job of promoting the right kind of Spartan spirit on campus.


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