Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Izzone campers abused freedom

How come whenever MSU students are given some sort of freedom, something always gets stolen, destroyed or tipped over?

As most students know, this past weekend was the camp-out for Izzone tickets on Munn Field.

During this time, the campers were given access to the trailer on the field so that they could watch the blowout win of MSU vs. University of Illinois. When this access was granted to you, the intent was not for you to loot the place of anything valuable.

I am surprised the couch is still in there.

Things stolen include a radio, an air pump, students' keys and IDs that had been left on the field during Intramural sports games and multiple footballs and soccer balls.

This trailer might not look like much, but the football and soccer referees have to spend up to five nights a week out there. Sometimes a radio is the only thing that keeps us sane.

So two thank yous are in order: Thank you to the Izzone campers for showing the class and respect that make you MSU students.

Also, thank you to the Student Alumni Foundation for screwing up another one of your brilliant ideas (don't get me started on Bobby's Wor... oh, sorry, Corner Blitz).

Next time, show some class and respect and grow up.

Tim Day
civil engineering senior and
soccer intramural supervisor


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