Monday, September 30, 2024

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Hey Arnold

With Gray Davis out, Schwarzenegger brings rags to riches philosophy to The Golden State

The people of California replaced Gray Davis with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the "Terminator," and will have to live with that decision.

Their dissatisfaction with Davis led them to elect someone from the opposite end of the spectrum. The fear of career politicians turned them toward Schwarzenegger, who has no political experience.

Davis simply failed the people of California. Constant problems with housing, energy and the budget plagued Davis' term as governor and Californians across the state came together to get rid of the mess.

Californians faced two questions at the polls Tuesday: whether to recall Davis and, if so, which of the other 135 candidates should replace him. The recall was necessary and was favored by 55.1 percent, or 4,332,808 voters, and opposed by 44.9 percent, or 3,531,091 voters.

Davis was the first California governor to be pried from office and only the second to be recalled nationwide. He had been re-elected last November with less than 50 percent of the vote - that should have been the first hint. Schwarzenegger pulled ahead in the end of the election, despite rumors spread at the last minute that claimed he had groped women and expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler as a young man.

Everyone makes mistakes, however, and Davis' were obviously seen as more detrimental to the state of California. Schwarzenegger received 48.5 percent of the votes, totaling at 3,677,005.

Schwarzenegger might not have political experience, but he is more politically motivated than many career politicians.In the end, he might do more for the people of California than any of the other candidates. He embodies the American dream, with an Austrian past. He rose up from nothing upon his arrival in America, became a body- builder and is now a world- renowned celebrity and governor.

This had to be the most American election possible - a civil recall resulting in the election of a celebrity on his name and popularity.

And if things don't work out, it's only for three years.


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