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Conservative letter wasn't convincing

This letter is in response to Lee Ehlers' letter "Columnist incorrect on 'God' in pledge" (SN 10/20).

Ehlers took an opportunity to make a logical argument about the Constitution and the role of religion in America and turned it into a close-minded, stereotypical conservative slam on the "liberal" view.

The letter was good up to the end of the second paragraph. Ehlers made some good points.

He had me going. But then he spiraled into an offensive rant about so-called "liberals." I am sick and tired of conservatives complaining that liberals are overly sensitive and don't work for a living.

Where are they getting these ideas?

I consider myself liberal, and I have worked since I was 16-years-old and plan to continue. Most of the liberals who I know work their butts off. It would be nice if conservatives such as Ehlers would spend a little more time making logical arguments that might actually convince a liberal, rather than whining about how liberals whine too much. You have your views; we have ours. Get over it.

Stephanie Black
2003 graduate


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