Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Coming Out Days raised awareness

Apparently, Paige Peterson didn't read the flier closely enough to realize that there were slurs that pertained to her gender, the ones listed under sexist ("Coming Out Days coverage too much" SN 10/17).

What else would a 21-year-old straight Caucasian female put on her shirt?

Speaking as a 20-year-old Caucasian heterosexual female, I think it's important to raise awareness about the kind of language we use that degrades minority groups in society.

No one calls me "straight" or "white" with a negative connotation.

Hate crimes are different than being attacked because you're in the wrong place at the wrong time or because someone you are acquainted with is angry with you.

I'm much less likely to be attacked on the street simply because I'm white or heterosexual.

Many people don't acknowledge this, and that's half the problem.

Most people who aren't of minority status don't realize what it's like to be put at a disadvantage because of somewhat artificial categories imposed by society.

Maybe people find it offensive because it makes them feel just a little bit guilty for having innate privilege that most of the time is invisible to them.

Having this privilege doesn't make you a bad person, but it's important to recognize that you have it.

Frankly, I'm finding it hard to sympathize with anyone who has a problem with these demonstrations.

If you don't like it, ignore it.

That's what lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender students have to deal with when they hear their peers calling anything that they think is bad "gay."

Crystal Tobin
microbiology junior


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