Monday, September 30, 2024

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Coaching wonders

Smith is leading football program in right direction; team should continue momentum

Spartan football head coach John L. Smith and his team are on their way to making comeback history - only the comeback is for much more than a game.

Yes indeed, after a disappointing and scandalous season last year, the Spartan football team is now undefeated in the Big Ten and tied with the University of Wisconsin for the conference lead, proving that the best way to gain back fan support is by staying out of trouble - and winning.

Saturday's 49-14 trumping of Illinois put the No. 15 Spartans past the University of Michigan in The Associated Press Top 25 poll. For both the athletes and the fans, it must feel good.

After last year's substance-abuse scandals with quarterback Jeff Smoker, the firing of head coach Bobby Williams, felony charges on tailback Dawan Moss and a disappointing season finish of 4-8, head coach John L. Smith hit the ground running and has turned the team around.

Smith's game plan was to take a more business-like approach to playing. Team unity was promoted by removing names from the back of uniforms, allowing fans to focus on the game rather than the past or present qualities of the individual players.

The smart, disciplined attitude of Smith and his team is paying off. Now, with the team becoming bowl-eligible, they need to stay even more focused on their goals.

"You got to have the dream, but the dream is one day at a time and one game at a time," Smith said. "The dream is out there and everybody should have that dream. Championship - that's our goal."

Spartan students, athletes and fans have long hoped for a championship run, and this just might be the year. The football team is well on its way to making a name for itself - and this time, it won't be for drug use, fired coaches or felony convictions.

Smith has led the Spartans out of the shadows of shame and into the sunshine of Spartan Stadium. They have a job to finish - winning - and they won't leave until its done.


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