Monday, September 30, 2024

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Show more spirit than alumni, but don't use destruction as a means to join in festivities

On Saturday, MSU students need to remember that celebration does not involve destruction.

Campus and city officials are encouraging fans not to rush the field when the game is over.

Anyone who comes on the field will be arrested and cited with a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $100 fine.

Officials say they don't expect a repeat of last March's disturbances, but there will be equally severe consequences for anyone who chooses to be involved in destructive or riotous behavior.

Last year, police arrested more than 30 people, most of whom were sentenced to jail time, banned from entering state-funded universities or forced to pay restitution for damage caused during the March 28-30 disturbances. Students should remember their friends who suffered under these consequences and celebrate responsibly.

Instead, students should follow the behavior of the 2001 MSU-University of Michigan game - a huge game where no mayhem ensued afterward.

Celebrations can easily get out of control.

West Virginia University students found this out just last week when some set fires on campus and tore down goal posts at Mountaineer Field after the football team's road upset of Virginia Tech.

At one point, fires were burning throughout the city and firefighters had to use water hoses to disperse the crowd.

This is just an example that there is less and less tolerance for riotous behavior every year.

Students have every right to get excited and have fun, but that doesn't have to entail burning things and tipping over other students' cars.

MSU President M. Peter McPherson illustrates a proper celebration best.

"The rivalry is great fun," he said. "I feel as intensely about this football game as anybody. I will jump up and down and scream and yell just like the rest of our fans."

Be sure to have a good time, and don't let McPherson out-do your enthusiasm.


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