Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Campus controversies taken too seriously

I feel that the students might not have made the correct choice in choosing the slogan for their T-shirts. But I also feel that this is getting blown way out of proportion.

First off, the shirts were not designed to offend gays, lesbians, etc., they were made to give some guys some extra cash and promote some school spirit. Obviously the guys mean no harm, because they have apologized about it and have stated they mean no harm.

Also, I know in the past the homosexual community has taken a beating, which is not fair. But, quite frankly, I'm sick of hearing them complain and I'm sick of having to watch every move I make.

Not everybody is out to get them, and they should toughen up a little. Everybody has to take criticism in their life, and I'm sure everybody has been mocked a few times.

But by this I do not promote hate or gay bashing. I just feel that every time somebody says faggot or gay, the gay community feels like starting World War II.

Overall, don't look too deep into something, and when something isn't intended for you, turn the other way. And if people want to make fools of themselves by wearing or making obscene shirts, let them.

Chris Rinard
general management sophomore


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