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Backing Tony

Benavides' experience, trust what voters should back when they head to the polls

As Lansing residents take to the polls Tuesday to choose a leader for Lansing, we hope they will consider voting for incumbent Mayor Tony Benavides.

Benavides is up against state Sen. Virg Bernero, D-Lansing, in the election. While both have great credentials and positive plans for Lansing, Benavides is the best bet for the city's continued growth.

No one else can beat Benavides' extensive experience when it comes to living in and helping develop Lansing.

He is a product of the Lansing school system, a graduate of MSU and he has had more than 20 years of local government experience.

All this experience has made Benavides an individual who truly understands where the city stands right now and where it needs to go.

He has a good grip on the important issues in Lansing, such as downtown development, housing and the city's relationship with the auto industry.

The development of downtown Lansing has been a hot topic over the course of the mayoral race. Benavides is smart in making downtown businesses a priority, because more diverse shops and restaurants will attract more people.

He also plans on creating more downtown housing, including a condominium complex created with the lifestyles and pocketbooks of Cooley Law School students in mind.

Benavides' opponent, however, simply doesn't have enough experience to be mayor at this time. His goals for the city include initiatives such as establishing community policing and D.A.R.E. programs, as well as enforcing housing codes by appointing a housing czar.

The fact that he just ran last year for state Senate and immediately turned around to run to be Lansing's mayor shows he is a campaigner at heart.

Lansing mayorship might just be another steppingstone for him, and the city needs someone who is actually going to stay and finish the job.

Lansing needs continuation of the plans it already has started, such as the "cool cities" initiative and the Capitol Loop project.

Benavides hopes the "cool cities" initiative will help make Lansing a "world-class city" as it aims to make the city more family-oriented by attracting the 25-34 age demographic.

The Capitol Loop also will set Lansing apart from other cities, because it plans to create decorative sidewalks and landscaping to make visitors aware they are in the state's capitol.

One point Benavides might want to reconsider is his belief that he represents the Lansing schools. Though he should collaborate with school officials, he should keep in mind his title is mayor and not superintendent.

Benavides also stresses the importance of General Motors' presence in this area.

He has made it his goal to be sure that the GM plant in Delta Township is built so more jobs are available to Lansing residents.

We urge voters to recognize Benavides' experience and respect for the city of Lansing by casting ballots in his favor Tuesday.


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