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4 Spartans ticketed for alcohol violations

October 3, 2003

Four MSU football players were charged with alcohol-related violations earlier this year.

On June 26, Tyrell Dortch was charged with driving with an open intoxicant and Jeremiah McLaurin was charged with having an open intoxicant in a vehicle in East Lansing.

Both charges were reduced to misdemeanor alcohol/stadium violations in 54-B District Court in East Lansing. McLaurin, a reserve senior cornerback from Saginaw, had his charge reduced by Judge David Jordan on Aug. 21 and paid a $135 fine. Dortch, a backup junior running back from Hoboken, N.J., had his charge reduced by Judge Richard Ball on Sept. 7 and paid a $135 fine.

In two separate incidents earlier in the year, sophomore Carlos Alexander and freshman Pete Clifford were charged with minor in possession in East Lansing.

Clifford, a 19-year-old backup offensive tackle from Salem, N.H., was ticketed on March 16 and had his charge reduced to open alcohol in public, paying a fine of $150. Clifford enrolled at MSU on Jan. 6 for the beginning of the spring semester.

Alexander, a backup defender from Akron, Ohio, was ticketed on June 15 and paid a $175 fine for his MIP charge.

Clifford has not played this season, while Dortch began the season as a starter and McLaurin and Alexander have seen action as reserves.

In a statement released by MSU sports information director John Lewandowski, head coach John L. Smith said, "We were aware that these student athletes were ticketed and appropriate disciplinary actions were taken."


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