Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Weapon scare

Residents should be relieved 'toy gun' was false alarm, hall officials acted appropriately

MSU is considered to be a home away from home for many students - just ask psychology junior Nicole Baer who calls Shaw Hall her "house."

There is no reason for students to arm themselves here, because like Baer, one should feel safe in their own "house."

MSU ranked No. 1 in weapons-related arrests on a college campus in 2001, more than any other university in the nation.

There are a large number of people on this campus, but possessing a weapon - real or fake - is not necessary.

Earlier this year, a Case Hall resident was attacked at knifepoint by two men posing as charity solicitors.

The attackers were thwarted by the victim's roommate.

Despite the need to reduce these statistics, some people feel the need to carry a weapon or to potentially scare others with a fake one. Intentional or not, it's not a good idea to walk around in public places with an object that looks like a weapon, especially in a post-Sept. 11 society.

Whether two years ago or two semesters ago, people are more than ever easily frightened by both fake and real weapons.

On Wednesday, a student entered Shaw Hall with a toy gun. Housing staff first believed it was a real gun based on security videotapes, but the student came forward to officials with the fake weapon on Wednesday night.

The toy gun was confiscated by MSU police.

An e-mail was sent to Shaw Hall residents alerting them someone in the building might be possessing a handgun and another was sent Thursday explaining that the toy gun was confiscated.

Quick response by the housing staff was important, because it is its duty to protect residents. Residents had a right to know what was going on and the housing staff responded without any sugarcoating or cover-ups.

Although some students might have been alarmed, it is better to be aware of the situation rather than be kept in the dark.

The student made a foolish choice to walk around with the toy openly, but it would have been more foolish to not come forward. Not many people like to deal with the police - they are intimidating and they could possibly put you in jail.

But it took a lot of courage for the student to face the people in blue and admit to the wrongdoing. Police are continuing to investigate this situation.

Even though it was only a toy, they are not willing to let this incident be swept under the rug. There might be more to this situation than the public knows, and the police have a duty to examine and provide that information.

If this campus is a "house," then it should be organized.

No house can be perfect, and its residents might make wrong choices.

It is not necessary to walk around with a cloud of fear, but one cannot be na


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