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Veggies, fruits needed for men

David Hartley doesn't eat fruit very often.

"It doesn't concern me. I think I'm pretty healthy," the astrophysics senior said as he left Taco Bell with a spicy chicken burrito, two soft-shell tacos and a Pepsi. "I don't have much time. I'd probably eat more if they sold them in fast-food restaurants - that's all I have time for."

But the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the National Cancer Institute are worried men aren't eating enough fruits and vegetables. They say only 4 percent of men realize they need nine servings a day. Most only eat about a third of what they need.

But MSU Nutritionist Ronda Bokram said there's probably nothing to worry about. In her office in the Olin Health Center, she rummages through a shelf of plastic fruit.

"This is a serving of fruit," she said, producing half a medium-sized banana. She then picked up an apple smaller than her fist and a handful of green beans, both of which, she said, were a serving.

"Our portions are often larger than what's on the fruit pyramid. I don't know many people who eat half a banana, stop, and save the rest for later," Bokram said.

Men surveyed who don't think they eat enough fruits and vegetables actually might be.

Most were surprised to hear they needed nine servings - most thought the number was closer to four or five. The reason for the discrepancy often is that traditional food pyramids suggest four to five servings of fruit and four to five servings of vegetables - adding up to nine.

Some MSU men avoid eating just college staples and remember their food groups.

"I usually eat an apple or banana for breakfast, because the scrambled eggs taste like crap," horticulture freshman Dean Moblo said.

But he wasn't aware that he was eating as much as he needed.

"I thought I was having about two servings but using those rules, I get about eight," Moblo said.

Students don't necessarily need to become obsessed with hoarding apples and broccoli, Bokram said.

Even Hartley's fast food meal wasn't a bad choice.

"Tacos - look how many vegetables are in that," Bokram said. "You need balance, just like with everything else."


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