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Summit solutions

Riot discussion needed for all, but lack of city officials curtails changing bad behavior

MSU sending university leaders and student representatives to the "Student Summit" is a step in the right direction for curbing riotous behavior.

MSU is not the only university in the nation that struggles with postgame rioting.

Both the University of New Hampshire and the University of Minnesota, to name a few, have also had problems in the past year.

The summit is scheduled for Sept. 19-21 at the University of New Hampshire.

It is good to see MSU officials and students coming together to discuss the issue of rioting instead of being adversaries.

But one key player in the whole problem - and, hopefully, the solution - will not be present for the conference: Representatives from the city of East Lansing. Most of the rioting at MSU has occurred off campus, making it crucial for officials from that area to be a part of the discussion process.

Tensions are already high because city officials have voted on measures segregating the student population from the community. Increasing the penalty for violating noise ordinances and revoking the right to have upholstered furniture outside are just a few examples of how desperate the need is to get students and city officials actually talking to one another.

The idea of the summit is a good opportunity to open the lines of communication between all groups, not just university officials.

The absence of East Lansing officials and other city officials from college towns will be noted.

It is good to see that students are being sent to this conference, but there is some fault in that idea as well.

It is evident that students forget disturbing behavior of the past, as those who are familiar with such events graduate.

But university and city officials has to remember that all of the ideas and new rules won't completely stop rioters from getting out of control.

Hopefully this summit will succeed in bringing new ideas to the table. But, without city officials, those steps will be limited.


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