Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Students shunned by E.L. officials

Students live in a harsh world these days.

Our tuition was raised so the MSU police could buy Harley Davidsons, parking rates jumped so my bike could be stolen every summer by people in green shirts and now, thanks to the East Lansing City Council, I better be quiet.

Taking local ordinance to new heights, I can now be thrown in jail for three days for simply being loud.

Not for rioting, murdering or selling drugs but for turning my speakers the wrong way and having more than one person per 20 square feet in my house. The city of East Lansing has now officially taken the students for granted. Everywhere I look, I see "Welcome Back Students" signs, and pictures of residents handing out goody bags.

Well, those lies have become quite apparent; students are no longer wanted here.

Kris Colpean

mechanical engineering junior


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