Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Stabilizing Iraq

President Bush should continue talks with foreign leaders to bring war-torn country aid

After a fast-paced war with Iraq, President Bush is right to address the United Nations on the importance of a well-thought-out plan to transfer power to the Iraqi people.

Currently, the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council does not have the necessary authority in the country.

Because the 25-member council was not directly elected by Iraqi citizens, it does not have the necessary absolute authority at this time. Attempts to set up a democracy in the Middle East will require a great deal of planning before it will be effective, considering that this form of government has not been used in this area. Placing democracy which will last for years to come also takes time to plan.

But it's also important to make sure this type of government is what the Iraqi people want.

If they choose to put the council on a ballot for vote, then that's what should happen.

Although Bush was right in addressing the United Nations, his manner was wrong.

He, along with Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, left before French president Jacques Chirac spoke.

It is ironic that, after being criticized for his go-it-alone policy, Bush chose to leave the conference prematurely.This exit was rude. But Bush's private meetings with Chirac hopefully will help re-establish good relations with countries that have been disturbed during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

When Bush and Chirac met after their Tuesday speeches, Chirac pledged French cooperation with Bush's plans for a U.N. resolution. After such a large U.S. investment in Iraq, a governmental failure will not be taken lightly.

Cooperation between leaders might help speed the establishment of an Iraqi government.

But, there has been too much invested already to speed through to a temporary solution.

A strong government will be worth the wait.


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