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Spartan Stadium shouldn't be nice

This is in response to The State News column "Booing unnecessary at football games" (SN 9/17).

Let's remember one thing - this is college football. Playing in an opposing stadium is not supposed to be a "welcoming experience."

It's called home-field advantage.

I'm not condoning specific actions that are grossly inappropriate, but I'm also not planning on rolling out a red carpet and giving goody bags to the visiting team.

As far as sport for sport's sake, I find her remarks hypocritical. Athletics is driven by competition.

Players don't go out there every Saturday just so they can enjoy a cool fall day in Spartan Stadium "throwing the old pigskin around."

They go out there to compete, to win Big Ten Championships, to make MSU proud and to give us, the fans, a reason to be proud of them.

Dan Briks
hospitality business senior


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