Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Spartan fans should copy ND

On Saturday afternoon, I had the privilege of watching our football game from the Notre Dame student section.

While it wasn't the greatest game I have ever seen, it was certainly a defining experience as a fan.

Exactly as Coach Tyrone Willingham had exhorted them at the pep rally the evening before, their inspiring display of unflagging support for their team never once degenerated into belittling ours.

Despite the fact that I was wearing a MSU T-shirt and was outspoken in support of our team, I was never once heckled by a single Notre Dame student.

Given their show of respect, I was mortified when several MSU players stopped to taunt the Notre Dame student section on their way out of the stadium. In response to this shameful display, the entire student section broke into a rousing chorus of "We are ND" - a most fitting response.

They remained on their feet to cheer for their football team which, despite the loss, came over to thank the student section after the game.

The Irish remain proud of who they are, despite the final score of any game, and Spartan fans could learn a lot from their unique blend of pride, spirit and class.

Alicia DeMarco
Spanish and physiology senior


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