Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Sexual education needed in classes

After reading the article "Rep. works to restrict sexuality curriculum," (SN 8/26) about how state Rep. Jack Hoogendyk wants the state Legislature to have the power to withhold funds from public universities whose classes it deems are inappropriate, I was extremely appalled.

We're already doing a disservice to our nation's youth by not giving them comprehensive sexual health education in middle school and high school, but now some extreme right-wing conservative wants to restrict what can be taught to students at a college level.

That to me just seems ridiculous.

I think people need to get it into their heads that just by giving a person all the information about something such as sex, the good as well as the bad, doesn't mean that the person is going to run out right away and have sex.

Also, just because a class or program is talking about such issues as homosexuality and sexual health doesn't mean it is advocating that everyone have sex or become homosexual.

In fact, the goal of such classes and programs is to give people all of the information so they can, for themselves, make an informed decision.

There are so many misconceptions out there about sex and sexuality that if we take away students' only access to accurate information, and at the college level no less, then Hoogendyk better be ready to take responsibility for the consequences.

Shannon Kilway

psychology senior


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