Sunday, September 22, 2024

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New noise fines further separation

I think the increased penalties for fun - oops, I mean "noise violations," in East Lansing are a complete outrage. Deputy City Manager Jean Golden claims that "We have no intention of trying to keep people from having fun." Although her actions clearly speak to the fact that she is lying to us, I wonder if she is lying to herself as well.

This is a crackdown on virtually all off-campus partying by MSU students and is just the latest example of the blatant hostility that East Lansing officials have shown to the MSU community.

So here's a message to all of the local residents stirring up trouble: This town only exists because of MSU. If you can't stop whining and complaining about normal college behavior, then move to someplace that isn't a college community. I'm sick of listening to it and any of my fellow students who feel the same way should make sure people know it.

Joseph Blaim
computer science junior


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