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Letter rebuttal missed the point

Muslim Muhamad Haydar disliked Jim Peterson's thought that Muslims who kill innocent civilians are welcomed into heaven in his letter to the editor "Alumnus wrong about Muslims" (SN 9/8).

I think it would be more prudent for Haydar to dislike the fact that there seems to be an infinite number of Muslims scattered throughout the world that agree with Peterson.

Muslims in America who shout insensitivity at every negative profile given to them are showing the same attitude as the ones questioned before Sept. 11., such as Zacarias Moussaoui.

The extremists read the same Quran Haydar does, five to six times per day, and their spines don't shudder when they peruse Surah Al-Maidah, Verse 32.

Prove you don't hate America and go preach the Quran's tolerance and forgiveness to highly concentrated areas of feeble-minded, pious believers who dedicate their lives to the destruction of everything that poses a threat to their pharisaic view of Islam.

Michael Ratkovich
2002 graduate


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