Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Letter has no 'rational thought'

This letter is intended as a response to Fred Sharp's letter "Liberalism doesn't support higher education".

I will focus on "liberals and their anti-Americanism" and how the "left" is "anti-education."

In the Soviet Union, dissidents were bitterly condemned as anti-Soviet because they condemned their state's crimes instead of marching in parades denouncing the crimes of official enemies.

These dissidents dared to present an image of their country that wasn't monolithic and homogenous; dared to speak about sane political disagreements.

The concept of anti-Sovietism is shocking, and we find similar concepts in Nazi Germany, Brazil - under the generals and totalitarian cultures generally.

In free societies, when we run into ideas like these, we should just laugh.

No country, much less government, is immune to criticism. No state deserves blind obedience and servitude.

Such concepts as "anti-Americanism" are the very hallmark of a totalitarian culture; they have no place in rational discussion and always oversimplify situations.

Sharp also notes that "liberals" are opposed to higher education. For support of this claim, he cites "Gov. Jennifer Granholm's recent decision to limit state funding to public universities."

It's good to know a man who uses the words "rational thought" can define an entire segment of society "anti-education" based on one person's single action.

George Moyer
linguistics freshman


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