Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Grievance heard

University, union officials need to listen to both sides of the story, work on educating

Getting proper pay is important to many teaching assistants who might be paying their way through college and supporting families.

Being a TA is more than an after-school job. It requires them to be focused not only on their school work but on improving the work of other students too.

MSU's Graduate Employees Union is confronting the university and calling for back pay it says MSU owes TAs after winning a grievance arbitration in August.

Scott Henkel, union president, estimates the issue could affect about 300 TAs who could receive about $180,000 in back pay from the university.

A clause in the contract, reached between the university and the union in 2002, states a TA must have at least four semesters of experience to receive higher level pay.

Union officials claim the phrase "at least" makes it nearly impossible for any TA to receive the highest level of pay.

In any given department, the experience requirement could be set as high as 12 semesters.

University and union officials need to clarify the wording of the contract so they can avoid the issue in the future.

The language in the current contract is too vague for either side to completely understand.

The university has offered no perspectives by refusing to discuss the matter with the press. MSU officials need to start talking and show an effort toward working out an agreement by Sept. 26.

By keeping silent, they only are allowing the public to hear one side of the issue and are adding frustration to those who are trying to get their rightful pay.

But TAs also have to be more patient in waiting for the money that the university might not have during difficult budget times.

MSU officials should be given the benefit of the doubt in this situation. Both sides need to remember they are working toward a common goal of education.

If they can keep that in mind, then things should be much easier for everyone.


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