Sunday, September 22, 2024

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GOP administration hurts U.S. economy

The policies and agenda of the President Bush White House carry the brunt force of a train wreck on America and its citizens. With the theme "Leave No Millionaire Behind," the Bush team is systematically destroying our world-class economy.

Already 3.2 million jobs have left the country, many of them in manufacturing, and Americans stand lined up in the unemployment lines.

For those still working, Bush is attempting to take away their overtime pay.

This is all for the benefit of the upper class.

Massive tax cuts for the rich and a skyrocketing deficit are eroding the U.S. Department of Treasury. Where will funding for domestic programs such as Social Security and Medicare come from, when the massive tax cuts are already threatening education programs, infrastructure repair and new construction? Bush's oil war in Iraq is a misadventure that is expected to cost $166 billion through next year, with no end in sight.

What a tragedy that taxpayers will send billions to Iraq when there are such glaring domestic needs in the United States.

Of course, campaign contributors Bechtel and Halliburton (where Vice President Dick Cheney was the CEO) will profit immensely rebuilding Iraq while our deficit grows and grows.

Wake up, America. Prepare to vote the inept Bush administration out of office.

Our economic future depends on it.

Bob Bird
Holland resident


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