Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Football players should apologize

The students of Notre Dame deserve an apology from the MSU football team. As a collective student body, we believe in the importance of sportsmanship and class.

We expect this from our players, our fans and ourselves as students representing Notre Dame in our section of the stadium.

The treatment that our students received immediately following the MSU-Notre Dame game was disgraceful and unacceptable.

A handful of MSU football players stood beneath the student section and purposefully mocked us, dancing and gesturing as we looked on in disbelief. As if that weren't enough, several other players placed an MSU flag directly on our 50-yard line in front of our marching band.

Meanwhile, the other MSU players, cheerleaders and members of the band continued to celebrate well after they should have exited the field. I understand the game is a big deal, and I also understand that Notre Dame is not always going to win.

I do not begrudge the MSU fans celebrating their victory. However, there is no excuse for such an appalling lack of class on behalf of the MSU football team. As students, we deserve more than that.

Rachael Larson
University of Notre Dame student


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