Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Economy suffers because of Bush

In response to Fred Sharp's letter condemning liberalism, I have a few things to say.

First of all, liberalism is commonplace on college campuses because adolescents are liberal in general, although not all are members of the Democratic Party.

Most college students prefer to think freely on all issues rather than subscribing to a straight-line doctrine such as conservatism. As for Gov. Jennifer Granholm's decision, I believe that she is limiting funds for public universities because of a limited budget, and because she feels that more money in the public grade schools will help more people. If the children in the public school system receive a better education, many more people will have the opportunity to get into college.

The letter complains about how tax dollars are wasted on social programs to help out those who may not be able to help themselves. How about the $142 billion requested for a war based on lies? And if conservatives do, in fact, spend smarter than liberals, then how come our administration has managed to squander a national surplus and turn it into a deficit of unseen proportions?

No complaint can be made about a lack of rational thought in the Democratic Party when that chicanery is the only other realistic option in government. I would much rather trust the Democratic Party and sacrifice some of my money to help those with low incomes than support a crooked administration based on lies that is running our economy into the ground.

Zachary Korte
pre-vet sophomore


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