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Christian values go beyond politics

I would like to personally thank David Thompson for making me realize that I enjoy "environmental destruction, corporate abuse, war and violence, oppression of those with alternative lifestyles and refusal to assist in welfare for low-income citizens" simply because I am a conservative. And here I always thought that I was a pretty nice guy.

In truth, Thompson's column "Christian beliefs don't belong with conservative actions" (SN 9/9), is nothing more than a crude, ignorant stereotype of the conservative community. The thought that the entire conservative population can be characterized by the misdeeds of a few officeholders is both insulting and wrong - just as much so as if I were to judge every liberal's character by President Clinton's Whitewater and sex scandals.

I have practiced Christianity for all 18 years of my existence, and am thoroughly offended at Thompson's assertion that the values of Christianity and conservatism are contradictory. In fact, it is Thompson who makes the most glaring contradiction in the article - he endorses the Christian doctrine of "Love thy brother as thyself," but then justifies himself with an unfounded, malicious attack on many of his own brothers and sisters.

Perhaps Thompson should reflect on the Bible a little harder the next time he decides to proclaim his opinion of a universal truth.

One thing is for sure: He needs to acknowledge that the values of Christianity transcend political parties, and that his narrow-minded outlook only runs counter to the principles that he claims to endorse.

Tom Keller
no-preference freshman


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