Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Bush continues to help Americans

I would like to thank The State News for giving Howard Dean such a glowing campaign ad on the Editorial Page.

In the interest of The State News presenting an accurate view of Dean, there are a few facts that I feel were missed.

Above all, Dean believes that President Bush is the root of everything that is wrong with this country and more government is the end-all solution.

While it is nice to say the government would provide all these new things like more health insurance and entitlements, it sometimes is swept under the rug that these socialistic programs have to be paid for out of our pockets.

It seems that the buzz word for this election cycle is "repealing the Bush tax cuts."

What this really means is that the first thing nearly all of the Democratic candidates would do is raise our taxes.

This certainly isn't visionary to me.

As famed-leftist and former president Clinton said, "There is nothing wrong with America that can't be solved by what is right in America."

Lucky for us, we have a leader in office who has and will continue to provide a better tomorrow for all Americans, whether it is through securing our nation, providing freedom and liberation to oppressed people, sending tax relief and support to all Americans or, above all, restoring leadership and courage to the Oval Office.

I'll look forward to seeing The State News' article praising our Bush soon.

Tim Phelps
political theory and constitutional democracy sophomore


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