Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Alumnus wrong about Muslims

I've been meaning to submit a letter to the editor simply because, like everyone else, my views are right, regardless. Especially if I graduated from MSU such as Jim Peterson ("Americans hated for different way of life," SN 9/4). I mean, he's not Muslim, but he seems to know a whole lot about them. I define myself as a religious Muslim. I don't hate America; I do however hate bad grammar. For example, President Bush saying, "I think we believe there are chemical weapons in Syria, for example. And we will - each situation will require a different response and, of course, we're - first things first. We're in Iraq now. And the second thing about Syria is that we expect cooperation. And I'm hopeful we'll receive cooperation."
I also dislike the fact that Peterson thinks that Muslims who kill innocent civilians are going to heaven. Now here is what a Muslim thinks: I think if a person kills someone out of hate, kills an innocent person, then they will burn in hell for all eternity.
There is a verse in the holy book, "Whoever killed a soul not to retaliate for a soul, nor for creating disorder in the land, then it is as if he had killed all mankind. And whoso gave life to one soul, then it is as if he had given life to all mankind," (Quran: Surah Al-Maida, Verse 32).
Wow, I read that in Arabic and my spine shudders from fear.

Muhamad Haydar
economics and accounting senior


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