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Wharton Center's Web site ridiculous

Has anyone seen Wharton Center's Web site ( lately? I check it out on occasion just to see if there will actually be any good music acts that students might enjoy. Usually, they book shows geared more toward the old folks, but every three or four years they throw us a bone. The Web site has always been fairly well-maintained and similar to the rest of MSU's sites.

Now, however, it appears the Wharton Web site has been redesigned by some high school kid for his intro to computers class project. I'm certainly not a computer genius, but I know that this thing is a joke. According to the article, "Redesigned Web site to hit 'U'" (SN 7/30), the university will launch a new redesigned Web site on Aug. 18. I can only hope they don't use the same Web designer.

Bryan Bauman
packaging senior


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