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Top ASMSU positions nearly filled for fall

August 27, 2003

While MSU's undergraduate student government historically struggled to maintain hired positions within the organization, officials say slots are mostly occupied for the fall.

Last year, ASMSU's technology director left the position in the spring, and the director of human resources quit midway through the year.

This year, both positions - despite slight name and description changes - are full.

"I am very excited," said Missy Kushlak, Student Assembly chairperson. "In the past we have had to re-open hiring in fall, but this year, the entire staff can all start working right away."

Kushlak credits the efforts of James Perra, spring semester's ASMSU associate director, for the large number of applications turned in for fall semester.

"He was a very strong person who did a great job recruiting people and making them aware of the positions that needed to be filled," she said.

Kushlak said ASMSU is always looking for ways to make staff positions more efficient.

"We have a few constantly evolving spots that do change," Kushlak said. "We are frequently looking at positions to make sure we have what we need, and right now we have the perfect lineup."

Kushlak said ASMSU made several departmental modifications.

"As an organization changes, a lot of different services change as well," she said. "ASMSU used to have a market media department, but it was not being utilized so we got rid of that department."

Because each position has a paid salary, Kushlak said, it is more cost-effective to condense the staff and employ those who would be essential to ASMSU, such as a director of technology.

"There was either so much or nothing for that person to do, and it was a hassle to fill that position," she said.

Filling the void of a director of technology was quickly remedied by creating a technology budget to use if the department ever encountered computer problems.

A digital media position, which handled upkeep on computers, was created in place of the technology director.

Jared English, Student Assembly chairperson, said all hired staff positions have been filled and he is currently focusing more energy on recruiting roughly 16 members before the first meeting next week.

"We hope to have a full assembly by the first two or three weeks of meetings," English said.

Recruitment for new representatives has been going well, said Tom Morse, Academic Assembly vice chairperson for internal affairs.

"I have been pleasantly surprised by the number of applications turned in," he said. "I underestimated just how many people want to get involved."

Better communication will be a priority for ASMSU this semester, he said.

"Last year, we had trouble keeping staff with their positions and holding them to their job descriptions because we didn't have enough communication," Morse said.


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