Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Vanquish vertical

Vertically shaped driver's liscences are silly waste of time, money, won't fix real problem

Simply changing the shape of driver's licenses will do little in the battle against the problem of underage drinking.

But it will prove to be very effective at wasting money and accomplishing little else.

A new law was instated which requires the state to start a $1 million project to issue vertically designed driver's licenses and I.D. cards to everyone under 21. The I.D.'s of those who are of age will be not be changed.

The revamped layout was created in 2002 to discourage forgeries and fake I.D.s and to appeal to clerks by making it easier to identify minors without having to do any math.

This does not address the problem of underage drinking because it will not stop minors from producing fake I.D.s.

If minors know clerks will not sell them alcohol if they flash a vertical license, they will continue to use their false horizontal I.D.s as if nothing has changed.

The state should instead enforce harsher fines and penalties to the businesses that allow minors to purchase alcohol.

At least 13 other states claim the new format of licenses have resulted in a decline in illegal sales to minors, but that's almost impossible to measure.

It's difficult to attain accurate statistics in favor of the new cards. If minors are only slightly deterred from purchasing alcohol with their new licenses, they will still find other means of getting it.

Instead of spending the time and money to create a vertical driver's license for minors, perhaps it would be more efficient for the state to locate this mass of incompetent clerks and cashiers. Apparently, comparing I.D.s to the dates of birth allowed to consume alcohol is too difficult to comprehend, yet figuring out a customer's change isn't as hard.

This new card system is another case of politicians attempting to spread political propaganda and pull another fast one.

When election time nears, they can then pat themselves on the back because they helped to pass a law that strives to ensure the well-being of children, even though the costly cards will prove ineffective.


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