Sunday, September 22, 2024

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State legislatures too incompetent

In response to "Frist opposes gay marriage" (SN 6/30), Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., doesn't sound compassionate or conservative saying: "Generally, I think matters such as sodomy should be addressed by the state legislatures."

Sorry Frist, but Michigan's legislature, as one example, seemed to not have the backbone to touch our state's outdated law that made oral and anal sex between adults, straight and gay, illegal.

Yet the state Legislature can update its salary regularly.

They meet three days a week and earn $77,260 a year.

Nice work if you can get it.

Frist, we do need the Supreme Court to step in and make some decisions.

Even with term limits, our legislators aren't worth navel lint when it comes to making decisions requiring reasoning beyond that of a monkey.

Jim A. Whitaker II
Eli Broad graduate student


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