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State delivers

Granholm, staff, commendable for jobs, aid sent to economically depressed community

Creating additional jobs in Benton Harbor is a step in the right direction of rectifying the underlying issues that fueled the city's riots.

But it's a shame it took such an uproar to call attention to the severe economic problems that encompass the area.

Gov. Jennifer Granholm announced that nearly $500,000 will be given to fund 250 minimum wage summer jobs for Benton Harbor residents. These jobs are aimed at residents between the ages of 14 and 21, the demographic that made up many of the rioters.

The average unemployment rate of Benton Harbor last year was 25 percent, while the neighboring predominately white town of St. Joseph had a rate of 2 percent. New jobs will be the first step toward battling the problem.

Providing work is the right way to begin mending an area that has dealt with poverty and economic strain for far too many years. The riots which recently occurred in Benton Harbor served as a wake-up call to that town's previously unnoticed and unattended dire situation.

The city needs a complete economic overhaul, and more opportunities for employment just might encourage economic change within the city. Putting more money into the economy encourages business development within the community.

Government officials should now focus their attention on fixing the problems that plague other struggling communities in order to prevent riots and other acts of civil unrest from occurring elsewhere in the state.

Granholm and her staff are taking the correct initiative by aiding Benton Harbor with new jobs and funding, which has a good chance of creating other economical advancements in the community.

It would be nice to see the Benton Harbor riots serve as the final wake-up call to the plight of underprivileged cities within the state, as well as the nation.


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