Sunday, September 22, 2024

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McPherson, others, taking job lightly

The remarks made by President M. Peter McPherson as quoted by The State News ("McPherson: Cool under pressure," SN 7/3) tell us a great deal about the task the U.S. government has assumed in Iraq and the mentality of those such as McPherson who have been assisting in that task.

One such quote being "I think this must be heaven." In the light of the well-documented daily reports of devastation and mayhem in that country since the United States' (aka "coalition") invasion and occupation, this smacks of gross insensitivity for the Iraqi people's suffering.

Another is "A lot of people can adjust to not having running water all the time." I don't know whether McPherson was referring to his own living conditions, but if he was, it again suggests a nauseating degree of insensitivity, since unlike the vast majority of Iraqis, he knows that the deprivation he is experiencing is voluntary and short term.

McPherson does seem to be having "fun" putting together a budget, leaving his suit in the closet, and otherwise playing the colonial officer.

I, for one, am ashamed.

Lewis Siegelbaum
Department of History chairperson


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