Sunday, September 22, 2024

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False Insecurities

Retracting sexual assault claim only creates skepticism for future cases in fragile situations

Many people in the East Lansing community were outraged last week to hear a 19-year-old female MSU student reported she was sexually assaulted while walking to her car.

This week people might be just as outraged to find out she lied about the whole incident.

The woman has now admitted that she was never assaulted.

She did see the males on the night she claimed assault, but now she claims they never touched her. Living in a questionably fallacious world, she probably has no idea what harm she most likely caused.

East Lansing police are considering charging her with filing a false report.

If found guilty, the woman could be convicted of a felony and face up to 4 years in prison and a $2,000 fine.

The woman should be disciplined because she used police time for a non-existent crime and caused unnecessary concern within the community.

It is unclear why the student filed a false report, but she has jeopardized the credibility of the next victim who reports a similar crime in the community.

If a woman is assaulted in this area, she might be hesitant to report it, fearing the community won't believe her and possible skepticism from the police because of this incident.

Many women who are sexually assaulted do not report the crime and often the allegation of rape is based on one's credibility

Suspected violators might go free because the incident is not believed to be true, and often times some women are too afraid to admit that assault has even happened.

With the recent attempted abduction of a 15-year-old student in Okemos, this is the wrong time, though there is never a right time, to cry wolf.

The female student's motive for lying is unknown, but whatever the reason, it's not acceptable.


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