Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Federal government right to protect people from telemarketers annoying phone calls

Telemarketers should find doing their jobs to be a hang up, as the federal government should be allowed to help protect the privacy of those who don't want their telephones ringing off the hook.

Telemarketing companies are challenging the government's do-not-call list by suing it over the blockage, arguing it will lead the loss of 2 million jobs - a devastation to the industry.

The Federal Trade Commission operates the service.

According to commission members, the free government registry for blocking calls has grown to more than 28 million since it opened in late June.

Many telephone consumers have let it be known through their government representatives that they do not wish to be bothered by telemarketing phone calls, and those companies should adjust accordingly.

And those who want telemarketing calls - who should be more receptive to purchasing one of the products - will still be available for calling.

The telemarketing industry claims the list would cut its business in half.

They could lose $50 billion in sales each year. But doesn't it seem the people who wish not be bothered would not be likely to buy from telemarketers?

Beginning in September, telemarketers will be required to check the list every three months for those who don't want to be called.

If they call people on the list, they could be fined up to $11,000 per violation, which should put a smile on the faces of those who despise hiding from phone calls.

And now if something similar could be done to stop that pesky spam e-mail.


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