Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Departing faculty member valuable

In response to "Faculty member leaves 'U' to teach in Germany" (SN 7/2), I would like to state MSU is extremely fortunate to have Mei Zhuang as a faculty member.

She is an excellent teacher of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics or advanced engineering mathematics. Zhuang is a professor who cares about the undergraduate experience at MSU and has dramatically improved the quality of education in the department.

It's remarkable MSU has obtained someone who is so well educated in the highly complex and difficult field of computational aeroacoustics.

What is most remarkable about her, however, is how much she cares about students and her willingness to put aside her own work to help others along.

If you see her in these last few months at MSU before she temporarily leaves for Germany, thank her for all the hard work and dedication that she has for MSU, and wish her a safe return.

Steve Miller
mechanical engineering senior


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