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Dems should end WMD accusations

George W. Bush lied to the American people about the war by claiming there was intelligence that really didn't exist. The situation should be investigated and, if appropriate, he should be impeached.

OK. So what? We got the point; enough already.

The Democrats are relentlessly attacking the president on this issue. This, apparently, is the best campaign they can come up with.

It's not like Bush doesn't provide them with more material; why can't they discuss issues beyond the "weapons of mass destruction?"

What about the $200 million Bush is predicted to raise for his campaign? There's a lot to say about this; where is the money coming from? Corporations - and they are expecting a lot in return for their troubles. Corporate contributions pave the way for legislation designed around corporate interests: tax subsidies and evasion packages, softer environmental restrictions, less union power and so on.

In the meantime, the American workforce continues to shrink and the "experts" can't figure out why the economy won't come back.

Maybe if Bush stopped serving corporate interest and provided Americans the chance to get jobs, the economy would find its way out of recession.

These and many more Bush administration policies provide more than enough opportunity for the Democrats to build a solid campaign strategy. Why don't they take advantage?

Because the Democrats serve the same corporate interests Bush does. They receive political contributions from the same sectors of corporate America and are enslaved to its greedy desires.

If elected, none of these candidates will suddenly serve the American majority despite their heavy corporate obligations.

When Democrats attack Bush on his misrepresentation of American interests, as opposed to corporate interests, maybe we should start listening.

In the meantime, expect to find paid lobbyists from huge corporate conglomerates loitering in the same democratic offices that should be the territory of true civic and domestic concerns.

I'm sick of hearing the same thing about WMDs from nine different Democratic candidates.

The Democrats should find something else to talk about; and with this president, there's plenty.

David W. Thompson
political science sophomore


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