Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Bike impoundment service necessary

Well, it is that time of year again. The time of year when individuals cannot follow rules and instead point fingers at those who are doing their job.

They should instead focus their attention on their own responsibilities and actions. This is in reference to the editorial "Grand theft bike" (SN 7/23).

As far as bicycle impoundment is concerned, people on this campus will complain whether or not bikes are taken.

If we conduct our annual clean up to take damaged and abandoned bikes, bicycles that do not have permits, or locked to signs, then the general public believes we are "thieves."

On the other hand, if we do not have the clean up, there would be bikes piled all over and there would be complaints that we are not removing the bikes to create space for the new school year.

It is not enough when students come to orientation they receive a pamphlet on parking codes and rules for parking and bicycle regulations for campus use.

It clearly states that all bikes must have a valid permit, which by the way is free, must be locked to a bike rack and must be in good working condition. These are the ordinances that govern proper bicycle use on campus.

Besides the ordinances already established, the department also goes out of their way to inform the public by tagging bicycles with impoundment warning tags, posting notices around academic and public areas and mass e-mails sent out to students warning them of the upcoming clean-up.

We also would not take any bicycles from public areas, such as the MSU Dairy Store, without going inside and informing people of our intentions and giving them an opportunity to move their bicycles. Does anything satisfy you?

As far as being "thieves with badges," we are performing a service to the campus that removes unwanted bicycles and improves the appearance of the university. It is a service that must be done.

If students would take responsibility and register their bikes along with locking them to racks and keeping them in working condition, then this issue would not be a problem.

Ron Kalich
parking enforcement student supervisor


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